Worried about what to wear?

Rocking up to a Christmas Tree session dressed in Hawaiian short and a pair of sunnies will definitely get you noticed, but this won't fit with the theme of you session, unless of course we are Down Under and having a BBQ for Christmas dinner.

Theres a list, a not too big one though, of what not to do;

Wearing solid colours can often look pretty cute but not so much with black and white. These tend to dominate the scene and are harder to compliment if your session involves your whole family. I can hear you now, well what about my wedding? Of course there are exceptions to ever rule! Your wedding is one of them should you go all out traditional and the other is babies! Babies can wear white, a little white button under or onesie teamed up with a gorgeous cover or fun muslin will look ace. The simplicity will fit in with anyone else in the session no matter their outfit choice.

No bold logos or prints, they tend to distract from the over all essence of the session and won't be so cute in a few years time when the 'in' thing is no longer....in! A giant green creeper head, although your 8 year old might love it, isn't going to look that great on your living room wall, believe me, speaking from experience here as I have said 8 year old.

Matching isn't a great idea either, maybe if you have your heart set on a matching image for your twins birthday or something specific I can hop on board with that but getting looks that will compliment one and others sense of style will look much better when your look back in the session.

Nothing florescent, as much as these are great fun, shirts that mean you won't loose your kids, they give off crazy colour glow on the kid wearing the shirt and anyone within a 20 mile radius, these shirts are for soft play and days out, definetly not cute family sessions.

The Do's

Pale pastels and neutrals will always photograph well as will textured items such as lovely knits and textured clothing. Soft or natural are a go to for many also.

Warm, earthy, rich tones are my own personal favourites, beautiful rusty mustards, burgundy and deep greens, paired with creams and whites for vest or under garments are just gorgeous. Weather here can always catch us off guard so using layers for outdoor sessions is, id say, essential! These can also take your session to the next level, but we will discuss that shortly!

Textures are another style must! From denim to corduroy, wool to cotton, these mixtures create more texture and a different type of feel for your final images.

In the winter don't forgot to layer your cotton white vest with a gorgeous denim shirt, under a stunning knit jumper, topped off with a beautiful faux fur winter coat.

Or for your spring-summer sessions you can include a floaty ethereal maxi dress, lovely rim hat and some fine jewellery to accent your style. I would say to have a think about wearing watches and bracelets, these can take away from the over all look your going for in your session, I would think about maybe leaving these on the dresser that day

Layers for Days

Layering can create depth and add interest in your images, not just where people are placed but also with their styling. Using layers gives us many ways to change your look without even leaving the frame. Something as simple as a mother wrapping her scarf or shawl around her baby to create a little story all of its own.

Belts, scarves, necklaces, hats, the list is endless. Start with your base idea and build on that, ensuring that whoever is coming along with you is in the same mindset as to what you are hoping to achieve.

Don't push too much, and defo don't worry!

Especially with In-home Lifestyle Sessions, a kiddo who doesn't want to get dressed up to stay at home is my jam! These little guys and gals are at their most comfortable at home and we need to take advantage of that and capture them at their best. A wee one running riot in a nappy with a cuddly toy is just as beautiful to capture, as is a moody madam hating her Mamas outfit choice. The acts of helping them dress, or in the case of my kids, independently (some days to my horror) dressing themselves, is all part of the beautiful life we live and should be caught and captured, they're the moments we will be in love with when we get older and show off what amazing children we had!

When All Is Said And Done

Comfort is key!

Don't go falling out before we even get one shot because your teen doesn't want to wear the frilly dress you bought or the kids are just being kids. We can always find a way around any situation, again this is why layers are important. Something will fit and we will find that something for your photos. If your bubba is cold and wearing your shawl or Dads huge jumper, those are the images I love! Real family moments, real love and real connection. It tells the story of you and yours and that's what Im after!

Comfy kids are happy kids. Thats goes for Dads too you know! The more comfortable they feel the more willing they are to partake in the farce that is memory making, and even help with the kids!