Life In Motion - Why you should book a hybrid session.

Taking pictures is how I fell in love with this art form. There's no doubt about that, to be able to capture a moment and keep it forever has always been something I've been drawn to, then I bumped into film!

Click this link to see the first-ever full family film I made of my own crew during lockdown. There's crazy audio and it is by no means perfect but I have it! This is what started me on this journey, I had no idea what I was doing - but it was then I realised the importance of adding motion to my workflow.

Shooting film has made my job even more incredible. The use of music and audio is life-changing for some people. To be able to listen to the voice of a loved one who's passed or to hear your moody pre-teen sing when Santa got stuck up the chimney as a baby again. These moments are worth their weight in gold.

There's also no need to make it some big production, I've filmed my own kids playing around at school on their bikes, and I've filmed a friend's mum doing something she loves, crocheting and chatting about her own girls when they were younger, this was one of my favourite sessions to date, something that seems so mundane and every day that you'll only wish you'd done it sooner. We all know we can't go back, we only have the moments we are in to capture heirlooms for the future, for our kids and for their kids.

Have a look at the awesome hybrid session Rachel and her daughters had on the last warm day of summer. The most beautiful sunset and the beach to ourselves, they ran, they spun, they skiddled (very Scottish of me) they laughed and they loved! All of our hearts were full that night and every moment was captured in stills & film.

Let's do it, GET IN TOUCH! to set your life in motion.

"The strength is my mother, for all the love she gave" - Christina Aguilera

"The strength is my mother, for all the love she gave" - Christina Aguilera

"I got it from my mama" Will.I.Am.